Protect Yourself From Creditors – Trusted Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyers Serving Indianapolis and Central Indiana
What is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
Chapter 13 bankruptcy provides protection from creditors while a plan to deal with debts is put together. It stops foreclosure, avoids repossession, and stops creditor collection efforts. Most debt balances are wiped out upon completion of a chapter 13 plan.
Is Chapter 13 bankruptcy right for me?
Many people choose chapter 13 bankruptcy for a very good reason. You are only required to pay what you have the economic ability to repay, reducing your unsecured debts to pennies on the dollar. Call us now to get the information you need.
How do I file for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
It’s important to have experienced attorneys on your side. Call us today for a free consultation with an attorney to review your personal situation and advise you of your options. Placing that call is the first step to a new life.
About the Attorneys
Andrew Sawin received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Indiana University in 1989 and his Doctor of Jurisprudence from Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis in 1995. He has concentrated his practice in the field of Consumer Bankruptcy for the past 15 years.
Richard Shea graduated from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona with a Bachelor of Science degree in Hotel & Restaurant Management in 1995 and received his Doctor of Jurisprudence from Indiana University School in 1998.